If all goes according to plan, Rocky will be ours sometime in July. We are beginning to figure out how to deal with this new element in our lives with animals, a blind 34-year-old Appaloosa who has lived alone in his pasture for more than 15 years. I believe the transition will be relatively simple.
Donkeys are intuitive creatures, and the animal vets and farriers and others who know them all think they will figure out quickly that Rocky is old, blind and no challenge for them. He may like being around other equines. Horses are herd animals. Or he may not. Just to be sure, we will build a fence in the pasture and seal the donkeys off for a month or so, just until everyone is used to one another. Then, they will all work it out. We will rearrange the barn so that Rocky has access to a stall inside if he wishes. Also put a hay feeder in so he can eat off of the ground in winter. He knows Maria and I well, and he is comfortable around Lenore and dogs generally, more than Simon. We plan to do rotational grazing at the New Bedlam Farm, moving sheep, donkeys and ponies around three or four lots of pasture.
If we have the money, we will convert the collapsed barn in Rocky’s pasture into a three-sided Pole Barn for shade and shelter. We are looking forward to having Rocky in our lives every day.