It is quiet on the fox front. The detente between us and the fox family seems to hold. We see the adult foxes walk up and down the hill next to the farm, see their leavings on the path, see them crossing into the meadow. But they seem to stay away from the chickens. Perhaps it is the donkeys, who remain vigilant. Or maybe there are plenty of rabbits and mice for them. The kits are still up in the den, but will probably move away in the summer.
My own sense of it is that once we accepted their presence, they altered their habits, sensed it somehow, and just began hunting away from the farm. We went up there the other day and saw all kinds of bones lying around. Perhaps they came across a dead deer.
For awhile, it seemed clear that they were hunting us. Now it seems they just co-exist with us. Some things are not really known to us. It was touching to see Fran and Maria re-unite a bit. Meg just walked up to her in the driveway and took some seeds out of her hand and they two seemed to be communicating with one another, perhaps reminiscing about those days after the fox assault where Fran was hanging on. Fran is very easy around me and Maria. She loves to eat out of Maria’s hand. Maria loves to feed her. These two do have a special bond.
Fran looks thinner these days and is losing some energy. She hangs around with the other chickens most of the time, but is often off by herself.