Every morning, when I wake up,
I propose to the day.
Will you marry me?, I ask.
Be my partner, my love, in life? All day?
To the last minute?
I ask nothing from you,
other than your presence in my life.
And we exchange our vows.
I promise to be faithful, and loving.
To grow and learn and change.
To cherish each day, forever.
To renew myself, and give rebirth to my life.
Each day, I vow, I will honor you.
By living my life.
Telling my story.
Making something beautiful,
And affirming the light and beauty and promise of the world.
And my beloved day, I say, I will not diminish you or waste you,
in fear. Or anger. Or argument. Or judgement.
Because you are a gift that I cherish,
And will never have again.
And then, wondrous and sacred day, if I keep my vows,
and do right by you, I will propose to you again,
first thing tomorrow.
And now, the bride and groom can kiss our kiss of life,
and walk down our aisle together.