People talk a lot about how strange the weather is, and it is, but it is still beautiful. Felt funky this morning – cloudy and rainy for days, people sick, dogs dying. I see how much the color and light affects me. I need the light, it feeds me and sustains. I don’t know if this is because of the photography, or if I was always this way and the photography came out of it.
Sunday and Monday, Maria and I will be in New York City. I am seeing “Death Of A Salesman” with Phillip Seymour Hoffman, going to see my daughter Emma (I am trying to talk everyone into seeing “The Avengers,” and then on Monday I’ll meet with my agent and go to the Park Slope Gallery to pick up a George Forss photo that I bought. I’m excited about all of these things. I’ve never seen the apartment Emma has just moved into with her boyfriend and we’ll run around Brooklyn. Camera is coming, but no laptop. So the blog will be quiet for a couple of days, give me and you all a rest.
My E-book Original “The Story Of Rose: A Man And His Dog” has been edited and is going into production. Pub date in August. Available on Ipads, Kindles, Nooks, and on Amazon Bn.com, IBooks and Google Readers. They are talking about $3.99. The new world of publishing. I’m finishing up my fourth children’s book, “Simon Says Good Night.” Soon I’ll edit the Frieda book and begin work on the Simon book. In between all of this, I have to go pick up my new dog, Red.