It belatedly occurred to me that I began a new series about the amazing women on Bedlam Farm and led it off with a chicken, rather than my wife. Since I have no wish to sleep in the barn or get whacked by a streaming piece, I am moving quickly to add the most amazing woman I have ever known to the series. She might not be as even-tempered as Fran, but she is amazing for sure.
I did not really conceive of a human being like Maria before I met her. I did not even know her until I was nearly 60, and I met her in a place you would move to if you never expected to meet anybody – West Hebron, N.Y. We had a creative connection from the first, became best friends, and then, when we were both divorced, became lovers and partners. We have been married for two years, the best two years of my existence on this earth. Maria has opened me up, shown me how to love, shared my life. We both fell apart at about the same time, and helped one another climb out of the hole. It has been the joy of my life to see her amazing love of animals, her ability to communicate with them, but as importantly, her evolution as an artist and a genuinely creative soul.
Her work speaks for itself. She is selling everything she makes, almost as quickly as she can make it. We are truly one, we share our lives together, support one another. Like so many women, Maria has struggled to find her voice in a world where women still seem to have to navigate around men and male models of things. We have transcended that in our marriage and in our relationship I believe. I love Maria, obviously, but I also admire and respect her so much. I know how much she suffered and what she endured to move forward with her life. She is a hero to me. Every day she teaches me something I need to know. I am happy to report that she has found her voice, and it can be quite strong and loud. Good for her. Every minute with her is a blessing beyond imagination for me.
Yes, she is as amazing as any chicken you can find.