Cows, like chickens, are something we see but do not think about, perhaps because they do not think much in return. I can’t count the number of times I’ve hopped out of a car with a camera, crawled through weeds and brush to get a clear line of shooting. Cows are the most curious of creatures. They stare at me, and then, one by one they come over to get a closer look. Sometimes they seem angry to me, and perhaps this is because I expect them to rebel at any moment about their fates. They do not, any more than chickens. Still, there is a beauty to them, hard to see sometimes, harder to capture. They have a quiet dignity about them, a sense of acceptance.
Cows are rarely alone, so the sight of this one got me interested. She did me the great favor of silhouetting himself against an atmospheric sky, driven by high winds. This cow has presence.