In the morning, in the barnyard, a gathering, a peaceable kingdom, if you believe in such things, if your heart is open to the idea that the world was built on love, and on love the world endures, as God told the priests and the prophets in the Kaballah. There are some who live in a fearful world, in an angry world, in a self-righteous world, and who see life as as a dread, and this kingdom is not visible to them, not open. Sometimes, I think, it is a fairy tale, and you have to stop to rub your eyes to believe that it is there. In the morning, the donkeys are the first to come, then a human, then the chickens and the cats, and they all gather, as if to whisper, as if to share the same secret, which is this:
the world is what you make it, what you see, and in the barnyard, there is a peaceable kingdom, a place to be renewed, and to drink in the cool clear waters of life.