A fascinating turn of events in my fox-chicken saga. Seems that neither my camera or gun are necessary. Humans think they have the solutions to everything in the animal world, but I learn again and again that this is not so. It is been a bit jaw-dropping for me to see the donkeys step into this animal drama. Since Saturday, they have almost literally been ringing the barn on guard. I’ve seen the fox two or three times look down at them, and move off. He has not been around all day. I believe this is a turning point, one I was slow to see.
Donkeys are fierce guard animals, which is why I got Lulu and Fanny in the first place, to protect the sheep I had. They have run off stray dogs and coyotes, and even my dogs more than once. Lulu kicked Rose a number of times, and Rose always bit her on the butt when she could.
They are vigilant and alert, and will challenge any stray animal to come into the pasture. Simon went right after the fox on Saturday and drove him off, but he couldn’t get outside of the gate to stop him when he went after Meg. I see the donkeys are staying close to the barn, and Meg, no fool for a chicken, is staying close to the donkeys. Several times I looked out to see this scene above – the donkeys looking up at the pasture, Meg sitting comfortably on Simon, Lulu or Fanny. I can forget about the rifle. Even a fox will not take on this equine cavalry.
Last night, the donkeys went charging up the hill to the upper pasture gate, and I bet the fox was skulking around. Today they stood in front of the big barn, and Meg stayed very close to them. Animals amaze me, over and over. One day I will learn to instinctively give them their due. A very compelling thing to see. Normally the donkeys are all over the pasture, especially with the grass coming up. Not since Saturday. At first, I thought it was the heat, but that has never stopped them before. And Lulu and Simon especially seem to almost never take their eyes off the upper field. You never know with foxes, but I feel he will not challenge that crowd. I put the rifle away.