My belief is this: If you think animals are the same as us, think the same way, have the same emotions, you will never be able to really experience the joy of communicating with them. To talk to them, to listen, requires, in my mind, the complete opposite: a recognition that we are different, with points of connection but different language, instincts, consciousness, awareness. I learned this on the farm and I learn it every day watching the animals, Maria, me and others learn to connect.
Watching Maria has been an education for me, and a gift in many ways. One of them is to see her talk with animals. She does not ever think they are speaking to her in our language, with our emotions. She simply presents herself, her openness, acceptance and emotions to them, and they respond, in their own time and way. If you reject the arrogant human idea that all creatures must be like us because we want them to be, that is the first step towards talking to them. If you learn to actively listen, to be present, but not dominant, then they will talk to you, find a way to communicate with you, as Rocky now does with Maria. When he hears her voice, he whinnies and comes running and she simply waits for him to find her, and listens. He always talks to her.