Due to intense response and many requests, we are changing some of the notecard photos, thinking of some new ones in the future – Simon, Rose, chickens, dogs, doors and windows – and offering limited qualities of some existing ones – flowers, eggs, the four dogs of Bedlam Farm. Maria, who is getting Paypal shortly, has taken over the sale of my photographs and notecards on her website, and they are sure moving. The cards are all signed by me and sold in packs of five for $15 plus shipping.
I love the Daily Meeting series, as it captured my odd sense of Rose conducting morning meetings with the other dogs on the path. Each of the notecards have some text I wrote which tries to capture my sense of each dog’s very different agenda. Rose sets this agenda, laying out chores and responsibilities. Izzy just wants to find some beautiful women to cuddle with, Lenore is pondering the different things she might find to eat, and Frieda is scanning the woods for something to run down and kill.
Having Rose in the photographs gives them some extra meaning for me, and perhaps for some of you. These 25 packs – the last of this series – are up on Maria’s website. I do not plan to be reprinting this series again, so these 25 packs are the last of them. It’s important for me to say that those of you who can’t afford to buy notecards or photos are very welcome to use the photographs on my website for free, in any way you wish – screensavers, prints, downloads, etc. I love the idea of these images sailing around the world. I am taking lots of new photos of the farm and the animals, and Maria’s artistic and marketing skills are helping me focus on which ones to offer for sale. It’s simple. She gets to decide.
For those of you who would like to buy these remaining notecards, please go to Maria’s site.