15 March

Signed Notecards: Rose, Izzy, Frieda, Lenore. Together

by Jon Katz
Signed Notecards: Izzy, Frieda, Rose and Lenore


Maria has taken over the sale of my photographs as prints and notecards on her website. (She even bought a label machine, something I cannot even quite believe, as she is tighter than a tick.) She is offering a limited number of five-pack notecards showing different versions of Rose, Izzy, Lenore and Frieda, mostly on the path and around Bedlam Farm. It seems appropriate to me to offer these now, and Maria is selling packs of five for $15 and $5 shipping. To me, there will always be four dogs of Bedlam Farm. She is also considering ways of selling some of my photographs as small or matted prints. As always, my photographs are also offered for free as downloads, screen savers or in any other form.

People ask me how I can make sure people will pay for photos if I offer them for free, and the answer is I can’t and don’t really want to. I believe my reader and the readers of the blog will purchase some photos if they want them in notecard or print form. They understand that photography – and farms – are expensive (I want that new Canon 5D) and will pay reasonable prices if the images touch their hearts and emotions. And I also completely understand that some people just don’t have much money, but I very much want them to use the photos anyway. I don’t care to watermark my photos, or to limit their distribution. I love the idea of my photos popping up on computer screens and printed out on office walls. So I think it will work out for everyone. Maria is figuring out a good way to do it, something that has eluded me for years. You can see the notecards on her website.

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