13 March

Ghost Story: Alexander’s Barn

by Jon Katz
Alexander's Barn


We went out this morning to look for a barn foundation, as there had to be one, and Maria remembered seeing a foundation in the woods when she was out exploring one day, and it was precisely where a barn would be if it were near Alexander’s farmhouse. There foundation stones, walls to keep livestock in, and farm tools, including a metal horse plow. Both the farmhouse and barn foundations are right off of the path, and while I knew about the farmhouse foundation, I never saw the barn foundation, very visible and clear once you look at it. Perhaps 20 yards from the farmhouse. I know nothing of the history of this farm – there are no records showing it, and the foundation looks quite old and primitive. It was between these two foundations I that I found the grave marker. I went down there this afternoon with a video camera, and I’ll put that up in a day or so. The whole store is unfolding for me now, and quite tangible.

I have no idea if there are ghosts or not, I can only relate what I see and feel and saw. I can tell you I love writing this story, and it touches something quite deep in me. And I will share it and keep it going.

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