10 March


by Jon Katz
Horse's Eyes: Sacrament


Maria and I went to see our friends Paula Josa-Jones and Pam White at the stable where their horses are boarded, and I know little about horses, but I am drawn to their eyes, which seem intense, wise and deep. I loved the sun on the eyelashes of one of Paula’s performance horses and I caught it. We had a wonderful day with Paula and Pam, so passionate, creative, interesting. Pam is a brilliant photographer and Paula is a writer and choreographer and animal lover. She told me the most amazing story of a horse named Nelson, pulled out of his herd by the federal government as part of a thinning project to save grazing lands for cattle.

She saved his life, brought him to a sanctuary not too far from the farm, and we are going to meet him. A stallion, he can’t be with other males and is alone in a pasture. Paula’sbeautiful and original blog is one of the blogs I love and she writes about Nelson and other things.  I see that horses are hard, continuous, expensive and difficult work, and they are a powerful and intense commitment. I’m not sure I could do it. We had a great time meeting their horses and talking with them. Kindred spirits in so many ways. Watching Paula with her horse, I once again thought of the sacrament, the presence and spirit of God in the space between a human and an animal.

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