photo by Maria Wulf (she whines a good bit if I don’t credit her)
I’ve been writing a lot about Rocky lately, and not enough about Simon. I will focus on him more as Spring approaches, and I resume halter training. Simon is a joy. He is doing well. He struggles with so many teeth gone a bit, and his legs are sore and his walk sometimes tentative. Of all of the injuries and problems he suffered, I think the legs were the most painful for him. Ken Norman, our farrrier, will continue to work on Simon’s legs.
His hooves were growing out of the side when he was taken off his farm by the State Police and his walk is not straight. I see he slips and slides a good bit on the mud and ice. In the New Bedlam Farm, we will see he gets a good bed of straw to lie on at night. There is a good place for it.
Simon is, on the whole, doing well. He is bright, affectionate, and has finally been accepted by Lulu and Fanny. Once a month, each one is in heat and there is some excitement as Simon forgets he is gelded and tries some mounting and much braying. The girls rarely kick him in the head these days, unless he annoys them. The three are inseparable, and I can’t say I know what goes on in a donkey’s mind, but Simon seems content. The donkeys have their faithful routines, coming down for hay in the morning, and then roaming around the pasture. Donkeys are intensely curious and explorative.
We love Simon, and we love having him here. He eats like five donkeys, and will eat more garbage than the chickens. He eats anything – anything. Pasta, chicken, cereal, oatmeal. He doesn’t like the cats or dogs to get too close, but he is as affectionate as a Lab with us. Simon is doing very well, and we are doing well with him.