We have a couple of days of heavy rain coming, and the mud has returned. Important to think of colors and light. For me, it’s the eerie period just before a book comes out. “Going Home” is already well-reviewed, and that is nice, and as usual, a quiet has descended, both internally and externally. Getting rested, quiet days, gathering myself. The first interviews are already intense. Even tough, battle-scarred reporters sometimes cry during interviews when they think about their lost dogs.
I’m going to a chiropractor to get my back and legs in shape for all the air travel and walking around. Got to keep my voice in shape, and most importantly, get my head straight. People need to talk about their lost pets, and it is an intense and emotional thing for them – for me too perhaps. I think we will ask the bookstores to get questions in writing, to control things a bit. The sheep are leaving this weekend for Vermont.
Monday I will be answering the phone and signing books at Battenkill Books. Tuesday, pub date. Sometimes, it’s the calm before the storm. Sometimes, it’s the calm before the calm. We’ll see. The spiritual challenge is for me to be calm either way.