Pearl is getting up there. She has titanium rods on her rear legs and has arthritis, and she has an ear infection and two big hotspots. She has special food, takes a lot of bills. Vets are like human doctors, in one way, they are big on tests and pills. Lenore loves it when she comes, she dotes on Pearl and is alway around her. The two are a beautiful pair. Pearl came to me five or six years ago. She was a Show Dog who couldn’t be bred anymore, and her legs were shot. So I got her. Then my daughter begged me for two years to take Pearl to New York Ciy and I relented.
The two have been happy there and Pearl is the toast of Park Slope. She’s here for two weeks. I’m glad Lenore watches over her so closely. Pearl is in the autumn of her life and is such a sweet, beautiful and open-hearted dog. I love seeing the two of them together.