Mother, perhaps eager to reconnect with mice, moles and birds, re-emerges from the barn after yet another storm.
This morning, when I came out of the house and looked at more snow, I listed the things I was grateful for:
– Someone to share it with.
– Plenty of firewood.
– A sold old farmhouse that can take care of itself.
– Lots of oil in the tank.
– Lots of food in the house.
– A good car with four wheel drive.
– Hay and straw in a dry barn.
– Good pipes to carry water, even when it’s -20.
-A barn that holds up. How lucky that I was able to restore it.
– A warm dry place to keep the donkeys.
-Adaptable dogs.
-A great plow man, Chris Barrett. I am thankful for him.
-A good camera. Now, moving images. Winter was good to me.
But I can see out the window. It was a tough winter for sure.
All the more reason to appreciate the things
I have.
I will not make winter my enemy.
I can smell Spring. I can see it in the light.
So I went out to commune with donkeys. They are the most spiritual animals I know. Come along with me