April 25, 2010 – If I had any doubts about bringing the donkeys back to the farm, they were dispelled this morning, when Maria rushed out with carrots (we left them alone yesterday, to give them time to get acclimated) and Lulu and Fanny rushed down to see her. I took some photsos, then dropped the camera and sat down and we had a scratch and cuddle. I love these girls, Lulu and Fanny. They are sweet, spiritual, reflective creatures. I forgot how much I missed them during my long cold winter of change and fear.
Maria looked at me and said “you are so happy” and I have to say I didn’t know that until she said it. Maria is brimming with love. So it was a joyful reunion.
Rose and I are going to Merck Forest and Farmland Center in Rupert Vt. to work with their sheep and lambs today, and I will be there between 1 and 1:30 p.m. Going to Quaker Meeting with Maria’s mom. Maria is working all day. Got a bit teary watching Maria and these creatures. Animals have an extraordinary power to open us up, change us, mark the periods of our lives.