The controversial potholder. Like a rescue dog?
Every afternoon I ask Maria if she has a new candidate for the Daily Potholder, and today, she said she had a strange potholder, a weird one. She had mixed two colors that don’t go together, she said, pink and green, but liked the effect, sort of strange and a bit conversial she said. What did I think? Well, I know better than to answer a question like that honestly, especially to an artist of Sicilian extraction, but I did and I said I sort of thought this potholder was weird, perhaps a bit ugly, the green a little bilious.
Clearly, that was a mistake. She explained the inner beauty of the potholder and told me my comment made her feel protective of it, and bad for it. I told her it sounded like a rescue dog. Things didn’t go well from there.
In any case, I had a good time photographing this strange potholder. Maria is very fond of it, and what do I know?