Kierstin at the Granville Small Animal Hospital bandaged Izzy up after he gnawed off his stitches for the second time. I’ll have to change his bandages every three or four days, but he will be on the book tour, starting Thursday night at the Union Gables Bed & Breakfast, 55 Union Avenue, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., to benefit the Mohawk & Hudson Humane Society (518 434-8128, x 203). This will be a BBQ Fundraiser and I will talk about “Soul Of A Dog.” From 6 to 9 p.m.
Tonight, I’m heading to Saratoga to sign some books at the Saratoga Barnes and Noble. No talk, just a stock signing around 7 p.m., something that has become an informal, annual tradition for me.
Saturday night I will be at Northshire Books, Manchester, Vt., at 7 p.m., for the first reading and talk of the book tour. On Labor Day, I will be at Gardenworks, Salem, N.Y., (518 854-3250), to read and show some photos. Maria will be showing and selling her quilts, Mary Kellogg will be reading poems from her new book, “Whistling Women,” Ray Smith and Christopher Smith will be showing and selling their art, and Corinna Aldrich, a gifted artist and photographer, will be showing her photographs.
Bandaged Book Tour Dog
by Jon Katz