For Bedlam Farm to be for sale. It feels a bit like being homeless,not knowing how long one will live in a place or where I will go. I love it her. It is comfortable, beautiful, and my blood and life are built into it. It will not be easy to go. I do not relish change for its own sake.
I seek a life that is more focused. More peaceful. More creative. That is shared. That is simpler. That I do not need to change. That is a big difference.
Lots of different feelings when I walk around. Memories, dramas, challenges, animals that I love, work with Rose, storms, floods, and growth. But someone asked me today if I was all right with a life in which the mind is open to change, but the rest of life is the same. Yes, I am all right with that.
Still, it feels strange to think of not living in this wonderful place with all of its space, history and character. As Merton said, crisis and mystery, just around the corner. As Oliver said, I want to be married to amazement. And I am.
It is strange
by Jon Katz