A number of people who subscribe to the blog have reported that they are not getting the blog e-mailed to them, or are seeing their subscriptions cut off.
This is the byproduct of success, apparently. The blog just grows.
The good people at Mannix Marketing have traced this problem – which relates mostly to Yahoo users and some others. The problem is that the subscriptions have exceeded the current server limit of 2,000 out going e-mails a day. So Mannix is attempting to route these outgoing messages through different servers. This should ease the problem.
I don’t check subscriptions, approve or cancel them, nor do I wish to do that. The people at Mannix say they think they can fix the problem, but if it continues to be an – the blog is growing, now on Facebook, tomorrow on Twitter – we will either have to find another solution, or cancel the subscription option. It is not something I can deal with on top of the other mail and messages, but I do feel responsible for seeing it resolved. We’ll see if it gets better.
Daily Egg: Subscribing issues
by Jon Katz