Real gardeners are a tribe, a community, with their own ethos and notions. Anne Dambrowski comes every Friday. She is a part-time bookkeeper, but her heart belongs to gardens and she labors in the cold, heat, and rain and mud to bring each flower to life. I started taking photos of her two years ago, and then last summer, an awful summer, I stopped noticing the garden.
Anne noticed that I was struggling and sent me an e-mail: “can I help you?” At the time I was overwhelmed by the new task of paperwork, handling money, managing the farm, getting divorced. Anne did help me. She became my bookkeeper and helps me deal with taxes and accountants and, on Fridays, she comes, brings her bottled water and works for hours in the garden, pulling up weeds, hauling manure and mulch, topping and pruning.
Now I am in the garden all the time, taking photos. On Fridays I take photos of Anne, who has done a lot for me and my life. Sometimes good people appear when you need them.
The Gardener
by Jon Katz