Maria, walking Frieda and Lenore in the woods. Lenore is always close to Frieda.
June 3, 2009 – Cool, sunny. I’ve never walked in the woods without getting a photo I liked.
I’m going away for most of the day. I have taken care of hay and firewood for the winter. I have to get Ben Osterhaupt to clear out some manure, and fix the heating ducts in one of the rooms. Then I’m ready for winter. Lambs expected in August. Book tour in August. This summer is about finishing two of the children’s books and also the novel. I’m going slower on the novel than I usually go, as it’s more complex. Also more satisfying.
After a year in which I read little and watched no TV at all, I’m beginning to watch the Yankees a bit, and also reading. I ‘m reading a book about China, a novel about Ireland and Brooklyn, and a non fiction book comparing Lincoln to Charles Darwin. I think I am learning how to relax again.
Last night, Maria was working and I sat on the porch with the dogs and stared out at the valley for while. I feel I am still changing. Not landed yet. But crossing to safety.
The blog will be quiet for today.