24 April

Last Days of Dairy Barn of Distinction No. 32

by Jon Katz

 April 24, 2009 – Warming, sunny. Had to rush Izzy to the vet, as he had a bloody hole in his side. He’s stitched up and made it to Troy for a signing. Going back to the Dairy Farm Saturday morning – the heifers are leaving. I am somewhat shocked by the outpouring of messages these photos have evoked, and the depth of feeling they seem to generate.
  It is a powerful experience for me, as the farm is evocative. Small dairy farms have always struggled, and dairy farmers live on the margins. In this society, there is no net for people on the margins. I get two or three credit card offerings a week – checks to be cashed to pile up debt – and dairy farmers can’t get credit lines from banks to survive a year.
  I don’t really know why the photos have evoked so powerful a reaction. I never get that sort of thing, but I love taking these photos and am drawn to this small drama. I had a wild time with the Daily Egg and will put those photos up tomorrow. I have not yet gotten the farmer to agree to be photographed. I will keep trying, but not too hard. This is tough for him.

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