22 April

Quiet Day. The Right to be Happy

by Jon Katz

Found this stone wall deep in the woods. Hated to disturb it.

  April 22, 2009 — I’ve learned a lot over the last two years. To get help when I needed it. To open myself up to other people. To grasp the seminal concept of boundaries between human beings. To demand much of others. To give much of myself. To not ask for too little, or take or give too much. To be responsible for my own life, and my own happiness and sorrow. To not blame others for my fear or unhappiness.To write my own story. To send my signals into the world. To be fulfilled.
 A therapist told me recently that I have the right to be happy. It was quite a shocking idea.

   Quiet day at the farm. Took the truck in to be serviced. In the country, they give you another car to drive around in for free. ATV is busted. Ben Osterhaupt helped dig a vegetable garden for Maria. He sawed up a giant tree limb that fell on my study yesterday and scared me to death. He fixed two leaks, one in the kerosene heater at the Pole Barn, another in the main waterer to the big barn. I got a new lens, and am trying it out. I will go back and photograph the closing dairy farm today or tomorrow.
  Reminder: I’ll be speaking at the Saratoga Springs Public Library at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 12 (518 584 – 7860) and Izzy will be with me to help raise money for this and other libraries. I’ll be at the Katonah, N.Y. Library at 2 p.m., May 3. This Friday Izzy and I will be at the Troy Bookmakers for Troy Night Out.

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