29 March

The soul of a moss: Beauty In Small Things

by Jon Katz

 This shot was taken with a Canon 65 mm macro lens, and I have to say I am proud of it.

  A farm is a series of never ending daily dramas. This morning, we noticed that the sheep were not drinking, but we couldn’t figure out why until Corinna Aldrich noticed they seemed to be getting a shock from the water tank, and pulling back. Turned out there was a short in the wire and the tank was too close to the foundation. Then I went to hear my friend Steve McLean preach and when I came back, the donkeys were out and had gotten into the rear pen, where I walked in unawares with Frieda. She took off after them and all of us ran around in circles for a bit until I opened a gate and the donkeys got out and I tackled Frieda. That one could have been ugly and I am still catching my breath.
  Then the firewood arrived and several cords of wood got dumped across the road. Got to go move the tank. I thought briefly of strangling Frieda, but then remembered she’s a work in progress, and so am I.

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