28 March

Dogson the path: Evolving

by Jon Katz

  For the first time today, all four dogs walked off-leash, down the path, and together. Rose and Frieda seemed to have settled their long stand-off with one another, and Frieda seems at ease. Her problems arise when she is near fences and leashes, and I have the sense she was trained as a security dog. Today, we had hear off leash and near a group of people, and she sat on the porch with the dogs, walked and spent some time in the house.
  We are through the first phase of training. She has been positively reinforced to pay attention, she is calm and focused, she is enjoying food, attention and some sense of rules and order. The next step will be to bring her into the house off leash with the other dogs. Frieda  was a nightmare, chasing after dogs, charging fences, throwing herself into and through doors. Positive training works, but it requires time, space, commitment. Very difficult things for me, but this walk on the path was a huge step, not even conceivable a few weeks ago.We’ll get there.

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