11 January

Fiber cards: A season of creation and encouragement at Bedlam Farm

by Jon Katz

  January 11, 2008 – Bitter cold, worse to come. Lenore is doing well, thank you. The Hound of Love is dozing at my feet, returning to herself.
  When I came to Bedlam Farm, one of my wishes for the place was that it be a place of creativity and encouragement, where people who wanted to create things got together in a community and supported one another. This idea, with twists and turns, successes and defeats, has continued to be the most exciting ethos of the place, the most important to me. I have been encouraged in my life, my writing and photography. In 2008, I published “Izzy & Lenore, Two Dogs, and Unexpected Journey, and Me.” Next fall, I have another book coming out from Random House, “Soul Of A Dog,” exploring through the lives and stories of my animals the question of whether or not animals have souls. ” My photos are in the book, and in other books I am planning I am currently working on a novel, about a farm during a blizzard told from the perspective of a border collie and some other animals.  Next week, we are publishing “Out Of The Shadows.”  Mary Kellogg published her first volume of poetry, “My Place On Earth,” last year. She is nearing completion of her second book of poems.
  This week, I am going to see more new artworks from my pal Ray Smith, who is producing some amazing oil paintings in a great creative outburst. I will post those photos this week. My good friend Maria Heinrich, who is the editor of Bedlam Farm Books, is making and selling rogue quilts and this week, made some fiber note cards, which we all think are strikingly creative and original (see above.)
  From the first, we have encouraged one another to liberate the creative parts and spirits of ourselves, to live our lives, and be fulfilled. We nourish each other, offer criticism and praise, but most of all, we are about encouragement. I need it. Anybody who wants to create anything needs it. Get it wherever you can.

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