11 January

Dogs of Bedlam Farm: Vomiting, diarrhea report

by Jon Katz

  Yuk. Dogs out of control

  The sun came out this afternoon, and even though it was about 2 degrees out, I got the sick dogs of Bedlam Farm out for a few minutes, under careful supervision. My editors once cautioned me never to talk or write about diarrhea, but dog people love to talk about it and have no problem discussing it, as it is an elemental part of life with dogs, especially Labs, and lately, border collies.
  All of my dogs are sick. My vet bills are bigger than the snow drifts. Rose has refused to eat for days, on and off, and vomited. Izzy vomited prodigous amounts of revolting things all night, all over the house, inside and out. Lenore set world Lab records for excrement for several days and I have more pills in the kitchen than many nursing homes we visit in hospice.
  It takes a chess master to get Rose to take a pill – no matter what you give her, she careful extracts the pill and spits it out. Now I just pry open her mouth and ram it down her throat. Lenore ate Izzy’s medicine and then threw it up, and so today, all three were confined to the house and front yard and give nothing to eat beyond their kibble. Rose had an intestinal obstruction, Lenore has Lyme Disease (yes, she was vaccinated) and Izzy ate something upsetting.
  For five hours no, there have been no incidents, a modern record. This week, it is expected to be -20 as a massive arctic cold mass descends on this region, and I am not running out in the middle of the night letting these dogs out.
   I will prevail. I will also need more Odor Off, two new carpets and some more of that antibiotic spray you put on fiber. I will also need sleep.

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