January 4, 2009 – The relationship between a border collie and sheep is not unlike my own relationship with part of life, although that seems an odd thing to say. Border collies and sheep don’t really like one another all that much, and every time Rose goes up to get them, they give her some trouble, even though they want to go eat. Usually there is a standoff, as above, until Rose figures out some way to get them moving. Either she charges into them, or darts into the pole barn and digs them out, or runs around the barn and they spook and move. It’s different each time, and I always appreciate trying to see how she does it.
Life is like this, and art. It never comes easy, or the way you think it will come or should come. But like Rose I keep trying to figure it out and usually come up with a way. I am disgruntled with my photography lately, and have to get unstuck. Tomorrow, I plunge with fury into the novel I am working on about farm in a blizzard from the perspective of the animals, especially a border collie.
I am especially enjoying the e-mail I am getting from people who are moving beyond panic and considering how to change their lives for the better. People are quite resourceful, I think, and have powerful spirits when it comes to considering their lives. A lot of us are sick of panic, and prefer something more meaningful and constructive.
Rose always reminds me to stay focused, and get the job done.
Rose gets them moving
by Jon Katz