31 December

Coming soon. The simpler life

by Jon Katz

December 31, 2008 – Getting as much e-mail as I do, it is sometimes possible to see themes emerging, from disparate parts of the country. One thread suggests that the media view of America is too narrowly focused, and is contributing to a sense of panic. When you look at the world in terms of the stock market, it is easy to miss some significant occurrences running alongside.
 Almost all of my e-mail talks of a simpler, healthy life to come, a time of limits, realism, greater awareness of waste and the environment and greater connection to people and community.
  I think these threads are wise, and people far from power centers often have a better perspective than the experts. For me, living on a farm, this has concrete meaning, which I am just beginning to explore.
  In order to live my life, and protect the farm, I am rethinking the farm. A woman wrote me this afternoon saying she would no longer read my books or my blog because I had sent Elvis to market, and I wished her a Happy New Year and agreed that she would be happier reading someone else.
  What I thought, though, was that I am determined to preserve the farm, control it, bring it into the new times with clarity, thoughtfulness and some wisdom.
  I am also rethinking my life along these lines. I’d like to write this weekend about what I mean by a simpler and more meaningful time, as I am just beginning to sort the idea out. It is somewhat about money, of course, but also about other things – food, waste,  love, friendship, spirituality. It will be fun to try and sort this out, and I appreciate and welcome the many idea I am getting from all of you.
  I no longer have any doubt about my own me: things are challenging, but they will be better, and to some extent, that is a choice.  Beyond the fluctuations of markets is life itself, and hope and the joy that is always there, if we are open to it.

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