28 December

Looking ahead to the New Year

by Jon Katz

  New Year’s  is my least favorite holiday, because it’s really about nothing but choreographed joviality. I think it is somewhat useful to  reflect on the past year, and on hopes for the new one.  I am spreading the meme that next year will be better than this one in many ways. The Dogs of Bedlam Farm are looking ahead.
  I am anxious in the New Year to be a loving man, good to my family, devoted to my friends, committed to my writing and photography. If the economy turns around quickly, I would love to buy another camera, so I won’t have to keep switching and dropping and breaking lenses. I want the Canon 5-D Mark II, but not now and not for awhile.
  I want to continue to be absolutely determined to live my life, to protect and preserve the farm and fight for its vitality.
   I want to breakthrough my long search for a meaningful spiritual base. I want to write a lot of fiction.
  I do not want any new animals coming to the farm. I have two donkeys, three dogs, 26 sheep, two barn cats and three chickens. That’s enough. More on New Year’s goals later this week.

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