28 December

2008. Goodbye to some bad stuff

by Jon Katz

Rose, on duty in the last storm.

  December 28, 2008 – I can’t say I’m all that sorry to say goodbye to 2008. It was a wonderful way in many ways – my book, “Izzy & Lenore” was well received, and I had a great book tour at a difficult time for many people. I sent Elvis, Harold and Luna off the farm, along with the goats. The steers are providing meat to a teenage homeless shelter, Luna is still around, being bred.
  Izzy did some amazing hospice work, and I value that. We lost a lot of people in hospice care, inevitably. I wrestled with some difficult personal and emotional issues. I have reimagined Bedlam Farm, and am changing many things about it. My photography, and its challenge to me to come out as an artist was one of the most important developments in my life.
  The mask came off, and I realized I didn’t know who I was. I am learning. “Out Of The Shadows” is about to be published. Mary Kellogg’s poetry volume, “My Place On Earth” launched Bedlam Farm Books, and is in its fifth printing. Thanks to Mary’s hustle in part, it actually made some money. I finished my next book, ‘”Soul Of A Dog,” which explores the question of whether animals have souls or not, and that is being published by Random House next August.
  I am continuing my hospice work, and also my teaching creative writing in public schools.
  I also saw the country change, and dramatically. I am not political, and find the self-righteous distaste I see in liberals and conservatives for one another a distasteful thing. In 2008 it may be we are saying goodbye to some useless things: wastefulness, obliviousness, greed, cruelty, lack of empathy and arrogance. More and more, I believe 2009 will be a better year, more meaningful, purposeful and spiritual. I mean to make that happen, at least for me.
  I mean to remember what is important. Love, fulfilling work, encouragement, and a ferocious determination to live my life.

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