25 December

Hospice Journal: Warren, Izzy. Christmas memories

by Jon Katz

  December 25, 2008 – Izzy and I went to see Warren today – my daughter Emma came also – and it was a beautiful way to spend a part of Christmas. Warren is cheerful, courteous and gracious. He is facing some challenging times. This is the first Christmas in more than 60 years that he has celebrated without his beloved wife Helen, who died earlier this year.
  He has heart issues and his knees are especially painful. The doctors aren’t sure they can help with his heart, and they can’t fix his knees if he has heart problems. So he is in a bit of a twilight zone, uncomplaining and resolute as usual. We are doing another poem together, this one for New Year’s, and about his life with Helen. I’m looking forward to it. He was overjoyed to see Izzy, and Izzy returned the favor.
  It is always wonderful to see Warren, even in the midst of sadness and loss. He said he talked to Helen this morning, as he does every day, and celebrated Christmas with her. I miss her too.

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