24 December

Okay, lighten up

by Jon Katz

  December 24, 2008 – It’s good to talk about fear and worry, and I will keep doing that from time to time. But it’s also important to lighten up, and remember that joy is always present, as someone reminded me, if we are open to it. People find it in God, in love, in dogs and in beauty, and in the many wondrous things that they create.
  Let’s lighten up a bit. Animals teach me, among other things, that I am ridiculous and know little, and should not take myself or my ife too seriously.
 The news on the screens does not capture the totality of life, promise or hope, just a part of it.
  Happiness does not come from money, as many are learning, and as challenging as life can be, it is also a choice. I am moved by the bravery, determination, faith and passion in people.
  We have some say over how wretched we choose to be, and how much fear to cling to. I want to celebrate the many great things I have in my life, my family, friends, work, dogs, photography, writing and my beloved farm. They all bring me joy, and I’m going to focus on that over the next few days. I am moved, as always, by the connection between so many viewers of this blog, and me and my life.
  So is loss and suffering. Bad times define us as much, perhaps more as good ones. We don’t get to write our own epitaph, but if I did, I would want mine to say that I worked hard to appreciate the promise in life, and to be fulfilled.
  So I’m going to focus on the joy of this week for a few days, and I hope the good people reading this can do the same. I have experienced fiasco and bliss, as the mythologist says, and expect to experience more. I am nothing but lucky.

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