24 December

Merry Christmas. Being a better human

by Jon Katz

  Merry Christmas from the dogs of Bedlam Farm. And from me, and the donkeys and sheep and barn cats and Winston, who is still hanging on, and the hens. My friend the shaman says 2009 will be a better year. I believe her, as she has an outstanding track record of predictions and insights. I am always pleased and surprised that people find the blog uplifting and inspiring, as I am perhaps not as positive a person as I suggest everybody else should be. I’m working on it though.
  Each morning I consider how I can be a better human during the day. Call a friend, take a good photo, write something that is good, eat something healthy, make a good decision, create, create and create. Some days I pull it off, not always. I am learning that attitude is something of a choice, and I choose to move forward, do my work, live my life.
  Last year, I was moving all the time, this year, I am learning to slow down, consider things, try and be more thoughtful, stay within myself. I have begun meditating. I pick a word and say it when I exhale, and when something distracts me – something always distracts me – I say, “oh, well,” and go back to my word.
  It’s new to me, but I like it. It takes practice. I thank all of you for the praise and encouragement so many of you have showered on me, all year, when my book “Izzy&Lenore,” came out, for my photos and gaseous musings, for my decisions, with my head struggles, even my decision about Elvis, Luna and Harold and the goats. Some people gave up on the blog, and me, most assumed I had good reasons and were supportive. Thanks for that.
  The blog is a digital village, an electronic community and community is important these days and all days. If I have inspired you, then you have inspired me. A great and continuing gift.
  And I have many gifts. I am fortunate to be a writer, a photographer, to have the friends and family that I have, and the dogs and animals, and this farm. It is my muse, my creative lodestone, my identify.
  This was an important year for me. I will celebrate it and you this Christmas. I expect a better year for all of us.
 Merry Christmas.

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