14 December


by Jon Katz

Photoshoot. When I yell “photoshoot,” the dogs gather in the garden. Media whores, all three, except for Rosie, of course, who almost never looks at the camera, unless I’m not holding it.

  December 14, 2008 – The snow and ice storms have stopped. Many are still without power and cold. I’m thinking of them. Off to Church this morning to see what Pastor Steve McLean, a passionately spiritual man and his congregants are doing. I love being around people who are gathered to tend to their spiritual lives. Spiritual lives are important right now. No help on the farm today, so a lot of hay hauling, water tending. The goats may leave today and I was out visiting them this morning.
  They do have a lot of personality, and have lots to say. I will not miss them much, but I do appreciate their  humbling role, and their intelligence and curiousity. Perhaps they can eat someone else’s trees and satellite cables. The old farm axiom is never have animals smarter than you are.
  I go to Church for many reasons, and one is to freely acknowledge that I am a sinner. I have  been impulsive, wasteful, throughtless, shut dear people out of my life and pushed them away, forgotten what love is, and I am working to change, and to understand where peace and comfort really come from.
  I see and have long know it it is not from money. I think the current dramas are helping many people see this, as I hear it all the time. A farmer/neighbor came by and said that his stockbrocker son, who went off to Chicago to make a ton of money, had lost everything and wanted to come back and help work the farm, just as his father was getting too tired and sick to handle it. It’s funny, the farmer said, but with gas prices going down and people still needing to eat and milk prices reasonably high, it could be a good time for him and his son.
  “Two weeks ago, watching the news, I thought the world was coming to an end,” he said. “Not for me. It’s a beginning, maybe.”  Maybe.
  I’ll come back, take photos, blog.

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