9 December

Re-thinking the farm. Goats, moving west

by Jon Katz

 December 9, 2008 – Looks like the goats are moving west, to central New York state. A large animal vet who does animal therapy work with children and the chronically ill is interested in taking them and training them, and I love that idea. I think the notion of sending animals out into the world to better places works for me, in some cases. I’ve done it with dogs and other animals, but could not do it with Izzy, Lenore or Rose, of course.
  I am fond of the goats, and I like the notion of them as a jeering gallery, but I do not love goats, and do not really spend as much time with them as they deserve. They are bright, curious and loud, and cause lots of mischief and disruption. The vet loves them, and laughs about how smart and odd they are, and she will be with them all day and haul them all over the place to do therapy work.
  So in the next week or say Ruth, Honey and Murray are heading out, another step in the rethinking of the place, some of which I have shared with you on this blog. I’ve gotten a lot of responses and opinions, and all are valuable and interesting. I am clear on returning the farm to its quieter, more elemental roots, but there will still be plenty of animals here, and plenty of animal stories and photos. I am not abandoning the farm in any way, but learning to love it yet again, giving rebirth to its promise, and to mine.
  I am not casual about decisions like this, although it may appear so. But I am not turn up about it, either. A farm is a living, organic entity, not a theme park. It needs and demands change.
  A friend suggested to me recently that there was less joy in me lately, but I don’t really think that is true. I just think I don’t need to wave it around as much.

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