9 December

Good things in life, cont. Snowy day on a farm

by Jon Katz

December 9, 2008 – Snowy days on a farm are a pain, but great. I found a potentially wonderfully home for the goats, with a large animal vet in New York State who does therapy work with children and has worked and lived with goats much of her life. We talked this morning, and it sounded perfect. We’ll both be thinking about it.
  My radio show “Dog Talk,” interrupted by all of the numbing political and economic news out of Washington and New York, resumes next week, on the 16th at 2 p.m. on WAMC with Joe Donahue. I think it will be healthy for everyone when people are talking and thinking about something other than money.
   I look forward to seeing Joe again and gassing about our mutual love of dogs.
  I am getting the most wonderful e-mail from farmers all over the world, and we are sharing the joys and frustrations of owning and managing farms. I’ll write about it more tonight. I am absolutely returning to life. This process works for me. Went out in the snow with dogs for an hour this morning.

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