4 November

Granville Sunrise (1), Tattoos, Yoga

by Jon Katz

   November 4, 2008 – Went and voted in West Hebron, today. There was, for Hebron, a big line – two people – and Alice Coldwell said that by 3 p.m., a record crowd had turned up to vote, more than 400 people. The voting clerks talked dogs with me.
  I am loving Yoga, especially the Mountain Pose. I am resisting the many e-mailers who want to see a photo of my tatoo. Maybe one day. It is four inches long and two inches high, and not visible with my shirt on, which it always is. I like it. It’s healing well, and I am applying lotions and potions.
 I am happy to have a barn full of hay. I began serious noodling about a book called The Ethical Handbook of Loving Dogs and Cats, a book that may help people deal with the many ethical issues of animal love: grief, cost, breeding, anthropomorphisation, issues like separation anxiety and hoarding and personifying. In an era of limited resources, how much love, money and time do we give our dogs, and how do we balance their real needs with our need to love them? Interesting stuff, and I think it might be useful.
 I am really into cats right now, and they need to be a bigger part of my writing.
 I’m going to watch some of the election, if I can get through the grim ads about disease and medicine. This country is profoundly neurotic and obsessed with tragedy, danger, money and loss. After the election I will turn the TV off for months and get to work on my books and photos.


A reminder that Izzy, Lenore and I will be hosting an evening to benefit Washington County Hospice and Palliative Care, the organization that led us into hospice work. Tickets are $50 and it benefits a great work undertaken by wonderful, hard-working people. I will talk and Izzy and Lenore will work the crowd. Books will be sold, I believe, and some photos of Izzy and Lenore in hospice work. Come if you can. Times are tought, but it’s a good cause. You can call Pat Monahan at 518 792 – 2973 or Mary Kellog at 518 642 9551. Izzy, Lenore and I will be glad to see you, and it is a worthy cause. I guarantee it will also be fun.

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