29 September

First of all, live our lives

by Jon Katz

Elvis, Harold and Luna having breakfast. That’s a lot of beef.

 September 29, 2008 – Thomas Merton writes that if we want to be spiritual, we must first of all, live our lives. Let us not, he urges, fear the responsibilities and the inevitable distractions of work and life. Let us embrace reality and thus find ourselves immersed in the life-giving will and wisdom of god, which surrounds us everywhere.
 Fear is, I believe, a distraction, a place to hide, an excuse, and a barrier between us and our lives. I have not yet read the thoughts of a great man or woman – Merton, Campbell, Aristotle, Churchill, Welty, Arendth – who did not reach more or less the same conclusion. Living our own lives is life itself, and surrendering our lives to fear and the wishes and anxieties of other people is an early form of death.

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