19 September

Hospice Journal: Marion, Izzy. Missing someone.

by Jon Katz

 September 19, 2008 – It’s been nearly a week since we’ve been able to get to Marion, our longest separation, and this morning I e-mailed Carolyn, one of the very dedicated and loving nurses caring for Marion. She said she and Marion talked about Izzy a lot this week, and I told her we would be there shortly, and to hug Marion and tell her we missed her and would be there shortly with dog, cookies, flowers and camera. Marion is well, and eager to see Izzy. We are eager to see her. Life is a bit insane now, and it will take some organizing.


A request. I can’t answer e-mails from people asking how individual animals are, or wondering how Marion and others in hospice care are doing. I appreciate the concern, and wish I could respond, but I will share any news if there is any. I love the concern for her and my animals, but I do remind everybody that there are many thousands of you and only one of me, as E.B. White said. It is very touching that so many of you care about Marion and about the dogs and animals here.
  Just wanted to let you know that I can’t respond to these requests, and why. I thank you.

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