7 September

Sunrise, Callaway Road

by Jon Katz

  September 7, 2008 – I woke up at 4 a.m., this morning, my mind racing on its usual six or seven tracks, and I got up and dressed, walked and fed the dogs, and piled Izzy into the pickup and headed for Callaway Road, one of my favorite places in the world. We got there and I sat, drinking a cup of coffee, Izzy lying next to me in the road in the morning chill, and then we were rewarded by a soft but beautiful sunrise, the sun behind us (we are usually on this road in the evening). I had plenty of time, for once, to set up the tripod and switch lenses and get set.
  I loved the sky this morning, it was just clearing after wind and rain.
  This is one of the things I love about where I live, being able to see beautiful things like this around me. The hay wagons seemed to have been left there just for me.

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