5 September

The Studio Barn

by Jon Katz

September 5, 2008 – The studio barn is, in most respects, my least favorite building on the farm. It was built in the 1970’s as an appliance repair shop, and the other big, elegant, slate-roof barns dwarf it and remind us of the loss of craftsmanship and pride. My friend Maria Heinrich took it over a couple of years ago and makes and sells her artwork there, and so it has become a creative place, one of the most alive parts of the farm. It still seems ugly, to me, and out of place, the Ugly Duckling of barns, which is, I am sure, why Maria likes it so much. It’s like a rescue barn.
 But Maria is right – it has a lot of character, and I love the way it sits defiantly out over the valley and almost dares somebody to knock it down. I very nearly did.

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