5 September

Giving a life away, once up on a time (by me)

by Jon Katz


How did I give my life away
  once upon a time?
   Slowly, in small steps?
   quickly, in giant leaps and bounds.

Did it vanish suddenly,
   or slip away,
   Was it given away,
   or taken.

I remember once,
   having it,
   and then it was gone.

 And how does one get a life back,
  when it is gone astray, or lost?

Do I take small steps?
    or big ones?
    do I fight, or strategize,
    am I encouraged?
    or not.

 Am I afraid?
  to fight.
  and live my life
  or will I let it go?

   Can I say out loud, to the world:
   help me. I want my life back.
   will you help me to do it?

I am not like other people,
   and other people are not like me.

 But I have some answers,
   to all these questions,
   to the biggest riddle of all,
   where did my life go, once upon a time.

 I did get help. I will.
   I was encouraged.
   I will fight.
   I will strategize, day and night.
   I wrote and wrote, and photographed and photographed,
   and told and told,
   my story, again and again,
   until, finally, it was heard, and seen.

   I will get the pieces back that
   I can find, and glue them together,
   and bring myself back to life,
   and say goodbye to the rest,
   as best I can
   once upon a time.

           So listen to me.
           I mean what I say.
           I will get it back.
           I will live my life.

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