4 September

My life

by Jon Katz

   Is about the great work of encouragement,
   being encouraged,
   offering encouragement.
 And is about stories,
   in words,
   in pictures

Is about doing things I am not supposed to do,
    can’t do,
    shouldn’t do,
    are not age appropriate
    or sensible

Is about learning
   to say what I mean
   and do what I say

And learning to love,
   and be loved

And understanding that fear,
   is just another place to cross,
   like a busy street
   with honking horns

And letting people in,
to bring me back to life,
and help me live my life

And love,
  is a place to get,
  and never leave.

So I tell my story to the world,
   every day of my life,
   not because it is great,
   but because it is my story,
   my art
   and I understand that my story,
   like your story,
   deserves to be heard,
   and has the right
   to live in the world.

Be encouraged,
   your story is important.
   Bring it to the world.

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