4 September

Izzy: Tagged pm BN.Com. The book tour cometh

by Jon Katz

   September 4, 2008 – Today at Bedlam Farm, we weren’t at Bedlam Farm, but in New York City, where Izzy and I were videotaped for Barnes & Noble’s On-Line/Tagged! with Molly Pesce, to air around the time my next book, “Izzy & Lenore, Two Dogs, An Unexpected Journey, an Me,” comes out on September 23. Izzy was the toast of the show, as usual, wandering around New York City and freight elevators and TV studios as comfortably and lovingly as he does hospice work, preening for cameras. The Barnes & Noble online operation is vast, taking up block-long floors in a Chelsea building.
  My new “Today at Bedlam Farm” widget is up (look to the right) and you can get a slice of Bedlam Farm delivered to your computer daily, free of charge. Or not.
  I have a couple of weeks before the book tour begins in earnest, and it’s good to be back on the farm.

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