1 September

Today at Bedlam Farm: Labor Day

by Jon Katz

  September 1,2008 – I can’t think of a holiday called Labor Day without thinking of Rose, whose work ethic is intense, relentless, and thoroughly professional. Every day, she gets it done without complaint, shortcut or distraction.  She is about work, and I tip my cap to her today. As much as any person or animal, Rose has helped me to find and live my life. I love her, and more importantly, respect her. And I acknowledge her. Also also Annie, whose friendship and love of animals helped define this farm.
   For me, on this  holiday, life is good and full of meaning. I love the farm, and struggle every day to keep up with it, and keep it working. I am fortunate to be challenged, in that it keeps me growing.
 I am learning things all the time, and appreciating what I learn. My life is continuing to fill up with promise, and with good things and good people. I love writing and taking photos. I love hospice workand friendship. I love what I do, and am  grateful to be doing it.
  I love life, more so every day.
  And this weekend, I am working the notion of patience, of trusting, of waiting for things, of letting them happen. That is, I suppose, what faith is all about.

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