31 August

Please. Come Home

by Jon Katz

   A poem. For lots of people. You know who you are.
   By me.

   Please. Come home.
   To do your work.
   To live your life.
   To be fulfilled.
   To tell your story
   To the world.
   To paint your picture.
   Take your photo.
   Write your poem
   Weave your magic
   To create and create.
   When the razzle of the day is done,
   And fear is a space you can cross.
   Please. Come home.
   I am pleading with you,
   From the heart.
   From broken souls.
   For broken souls.
   To bring your true light
   To the world.
   To me. To all of us.
   To fight for you.
   To live your life.
   Trust it.
   I do. Now.
   It is true, I think, that art that makes life.
   That there is no subsitute,
   For its beauty.
   For its power.
   Be determined.
   Gather strength.
   Get it done.
   Put your lips to the world.
   And live.

      With appreciation, and acknowledgment, to Mary Oliver, Henry James,
Pearl Buck, Kim Forester.

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